Mother & Baby Services

Every women who is pregnant and ordinarily resident in Ireland is entitled to maternity care under the Maternity and Infant Scheme. Ordinarily resident means you are living here, or you intend to remain living here for at least one year.

Mother & Baby Services

The Maternity and Infant Care Scheme provides an agreed programme of care to all expectant mothers who are ordinarily resident in Ireland. This service is provided by a family doctor (GP) of your choice and a hospital obstetrician. You are entitled to this service even if you do not have a medical card. Virtually all GPs have agreements with the Health Service Executive to provide these services; they do not have to be part of the GPs and medical card panel. The Scheme also provides for two post-natal visits to the general practitioner.

What is included in the Mother & Baby Service?

This service includes 6 visits during pregnancy. When you visit your GP your blood pressure and urine will be checked. The Doctor will also perform a physical examination and check on the baby’s heart beat-doppler.

Under-6 Doctors Visit Card

All children under the age of 6 living in Ireland are entitled to a GP Visit Card. The GP Visit Card covers:

  • Free GP Visits
  • Assessments at age 2 and 5
  • Out-of-hours urgent GP care
  • Care for children with Asthma

Medication costs and hospital charges are not covered.

For more information on this service and to apply for a card visit the HSE website

Childhood Immunisation

It is recommended to immunise your child at various stages throughout their childhood. For more information on the vaccinations and to view a schedule please visit our Childhood Immunisation page.


Dr. Whyte can discuss contraception options with you at your post natal visits. There are many different options available for both contraception and fertility, some of which are outlined on this HSE webpage

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GP Services

Mother & Baby


Health Screening

Heart Healthcare

Chronic Illness